Best Sources of Space Content

It is the beginning of August and that means it’s time for the SmallSat Conference! I will be in attendance this year exploring the latest science and systems the industry has to offer (so please, say hi).

In celebration, I decided to write up a quick list of some of the best sources of space-related content that I check-in with on a daily/weekly basis to keep up with the latest happenings in the industry. Maybe you might see your favorite podcast or show on this list…or maybe you might see one you haven’t heard of it. Either way, you should let me know on twitter @Nate_Cordova.

📰 General News - NASA Spaceflight

NASA Spaceflight is a great one-stop-shop for both space news and community. They have articles written by a variety of passionate contributors in the space community ranging from the ISS, to SpaceX, to international happenings, and more. Additionally, they have a community forum and Discord to interact with your fellow space nerd. Lastly, they offer methods to financially support them to gain access to more exclusive chatrooms and other groups to interact with others on a more focused level.

🚀 Launch Coverage - Everyday Astronaut

You may have seen Tim’s interviews with Elon, but have you checked out his website or livestreams? Tim Dodd is the Everyday Astronaut, where his mission is to “Bring space down to Earth for everyday people.” His passion for spaceflight and engineering and his drive to help others understand how awesome it is, is what drove me to follow and support his work very early on. His content more focuses on the launch providers side of things, and his YouTube videos are longer-form, but very educational. Same as NASA Spaceflight, Everyday Astronaut also has a Youtube Channel

🌌 Astrophysics - Dr. Becky

Dr. Becky is an astrophysicist at Oxford that studies black holes. Her content on Youtube as a science communicator is very easy to digest and fun to watch. I would recommend checking out her content on black holes to brush up on the latest black hole research and stay for the fun experiments and meme reviews.

💫 Astronomy - Cool Worlds

Dr. David Kipping is an Assistant Professor of Astronomy that heads up the Cool World’s Lab at Columbia University. His team studies exoplanets and moons using modern analysis methods and their Cool Worlds - YouTube channel is probably one of my favorite channels on the internet. With a heavy dose of Bayesian statistics, Dr. Kipping goes on to explain his research and thoughts on some of the most fundamental questions humanity has like: “Are we alone in the universe?” and “Does another Earth exist?”

🎙 Podcast - MECO

Anthony Colangelo is the host of Main Engine Cut-Off and discusses topics that are more focused on space new and the socio-geo-political (is that a word?) impacts of current happenings. He does a great job of compiling the latest and summarizing it down into thoughtful analysis. He also co-hosts another podcast called Off Nominal with Jake Robins where alcohol is involved. Everything in this paragraph is a must-follow/listen.

Thanks for checking out my blog! If you are around at the SmallSat conference, I hope you have safe travels and a great time! If you have any other great sources of space content that I might have missed, tweet at me @Nate_Cordova.


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